
Senior-Friendly Hotel, RUKUN Senior Living Resort Offers the Best Option for Seniors

Senior-Friendly Hotel, RUKUN Senior Living Resort Offers the Best Option for Seniors Seniors who live alone or with family members sometimes need a senior-friendly hotel solution when unable to stay alone at home. This need may arise due to the following situations or conditions: Seniors who live with family members that usually accompany them may […]

Senior Clubs – The Effort to Keep Seniors Active and Productive

Senior Clubs – The Effort to Keep Seniors Active and Productive The recent few years has seen the appearance of facilities serving as senior activity centers in the form of senior clubs. The mindset of a segment of society that senior citizens are no longer productive has begun to shift. Although their span of activity […]

Social Interaction is the Most Important Factor for Seniors with Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Social Interaction is the Most Important Factor for Seniors with Dementia and Alzheimer’s For most people, interacting or serving seniors with dementia or Alzheimer’s is not an easy task. Therefore, it is quite understandable why people with dementia are often ignored or isolated by people around them. However, social interaction is in fact the very […]

Communication Tips – People with Dementia

Communication Tips – People with Dementia People with dementia due to conditions such as Alzheimer’s or other causes experience brain function failure that is progressive – making it ever more difficult for them to remember things, comprehend situations, communicate clearly, or care for themselves. Dementia may also cause a person to experience emotional changes that […]

The First Senior Living in Indonesia

The First Senior Living in Indonesia As the first senior living in Indonesia, RUKUN Senior Living offers an alternative to the charity-based or government nursing home or senior home facilities that had previously existed in Indonesia. With an integrated residential and senior services community, RUKUN offer a solution for seniors who wish to enjoy an […]

10 Family Stress Symptoms in Dementia Patients

10 Family Stress Symptoms in Dementia Patients Discussions related to caregiving and dementia treatment at home often overlook the impact on family members providing care for the dementia patient. This aspect is equally important to consider since dementia caregiving demands comprehensive and 24-hour attention. Additionally, all types of dementia are chronic and progressive, meaning that […]

Demensia dan Alzheimer, apa bedanya?

Belakangan ini istilah demensia dan Alzheimer makin sering kita dengar. Namun, belum banyak masyarakat umum yang mengetahui apa yang dimaksud dengan demensia, dan bedanya dengan Alzheimer. Untuk itu pertama perlu kita memahami lebih dekat demensia. Demensia itu apa? Demensia merupakan kumpulan gejala yang disebabkan oleh gangguan yang mempengaruhi kinerja otak, tetapi demensia itu bukan merupakan, […]

Lewy body dementia (LBD)

Lewy body dementia (LBD) Lewy body dementia (LBD) adalah jenis demensia progresif yang mengarah pada penurunan fungsi berpikir, bernalar dan independen karena deposit mikroskopis abnormal yang merusak sel-sel otak seiring berjalannya waktu. Tentang Lewy body dementiaKebanyakan ahli memperkirakan bahwa Lewy body dementia (LBD) adalah penyebab paling umum ketiga dari demensia setelah penyakit Alzheimer dan demensia […]

Seni Karya dan Demensia

Mengapa Seni Karya? Selama berabad-abad seni karya telah menjadi salah satu cara penting untuk membantu seseorang untuk mengekspresikan apa yang tidak bisa mereka ungkapkan dengan kata-kata. Belakangan ini, kombinasi seni karya dan demensia semakin sering menjadi topik program bagi orang dengan demensia. Kegiatan seni karya juga merupakan program rutin di RUKUN Senior Living dan RUKUN […]

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